Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Gboard is one of the best third-party keyboards available for iPhones, but you probably don't know everything you need to know about it to become a real Gboard pro and stop using Apple's stock keyboard for good. But you can skip the pause when you're hovering over a folder: press the spacebar for instant springing. You can change the direction of your Panorama photograph in the Camera app by tapping the arrow that appears in the middle of the screen in the Panorama mode.

Next, press harder on the screen and then use the cursor to select the text. That update finally brought third-party keypads—particularly Swype—to the iPhone and iPad. It's also worth going through the settings and checking which apps refresh in the background, thereby using up precious processing power.

Tap and hold the 123 button, slide your finger to select the symbol you want to insert, then release. Set a Domains quick timer: Instead of heading to the timer app, you can force press on the timer icon, then slide up or down on the full-screen to set a timer anywhere from one minute to two hours long.

This is evident by the disappearance of the ellipsis with the press of the Option key. Gently press and hold at the top of the auto-suggest bar and drag it towards the top row of keys. Like I mentioned earlier, a lot of the Smart Keyboard shortcuts are more inline with Mac shortcuts than they are iOS.

On the stock Android keyboard, tap and hold the Done” or carriage-return key in the bottom-right corner of the keypad, then slide your finger over the pop-up emoticon button. Turn it on in the iCloud settings and next time your iPad vanishes from the face of the Earth, log in to the iCloud on your nearest computer or phone with your iTunes details.

QuickType automatically adds a space after each word you select, so you don't have to mess with the space bar. Apple has made this tweak work on a system level, so the keyboard will stay in the one-handed mode, across different apps, until you change it back.

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